About YP MasterNews2020-09-09 TV channels stopped working?
Comhem, our TV provided for most of our apartments stopped sending the TV programmes by analogue means on 2020-09-08. You can check their webpage here: https://www.comhem.se/tv/digitalisering
However the page is in swedish, but I can suggest you use google translate on the page for more full instructions, otherwise you can read our brief instructions below.
You need to change the "source" of your TV, which you can do by the TV remote.
On the remote for your TV, there is one button that will display the sources for the TV, usually just named Source. It tends to be on top of the remote or in the middle.
Pressing this button shows up a menu from which you can choose different sources for the TV, what you will need to use from now on is DVB-C.
After you have chosen DVB-C, you will need to search for the channels, which is usually done in the menu and installation menu.
For an exact instruction of how to do this, you can check the internet for the TV modelnumber which is normall on the backside of the TV, from where you can usually find a manual for the TV pretty easy.